Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goin' Showin'

On the eve of our district Holstein show I can't help but get all excited for a whole bunch of reasons.
First, I love to see how Blake is growing in this little project. She picked up this year right where she left off after last year's show. Time and schedules maybe haven't allowed for as much "practice time" as we did last year but she is doing well and a lot of support from some good friends (big shout out to Walk-Era; especially Marci, Alli and Brett who generously gave of their time to teach), who are offering her a calf to show have, in large part, made our dreams as parents, become a reality once a year. Well, at least one of our dreams for our kids. 
I'm taking pictures tomorrow! Last year I took pictures for our friends at Walk-Era and I was so humbled by their acceptance of the photos. If there is one thing I'm not, it's a professional photographer.  That and a swim suit model. Not either one.  I do enjoy it immensely though. The photography part. NOT trying on swim suits!
I particularly enjoy photography when I have a few images in the hundreds that are shot that make me LOOK like I know what I'm doing!  I had someone else ask if I would snap some for them too and I'm excited to be wanted!  Tomorrow, my photographer sister-in-law is coming and taking pics with me!  Very excited to work with her and learn from her. Danielle, can I say you are my "second shooter"?!  ;)  I can't wait to share the pics with you all in the coming days.  Check out our Next Generation Genetics Facebook page for the link. Like us while you are there!  **shameless plug**  
Last but not least, I'm very excited for the opportunity to see some great friends and great cattle!  These people have been very kind to me (especially since my roots don't go back to Holsteins).  There is a great junior program going in our district and I'm thrilled that our children will have the opportunity take part in this experience as they grow in agriculture. 
The only thing missing tomorrow will be Tod. Work is VERY busy right now for him and sometimes I admit, I feel like we are all missing out. On the other hand, I was reminded, in several ways over the last week, to be thankful. Thankful for life, work, our health...EVERYTHING we have and to practice what we are preaching at home about having an "Attitude of Gratitude".  We are truly blessed with great family, friends and this wonderful industry we call home. So many reasons to be thankful as we are goin' showin'! 

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